With over 20 years of experience, I offer custom murals of ALL sizes. Just reach out and let me know your ideas and we can discuss the budget and timeline. Nothing brings more joy to your home or business than a custom mural! Corporate accounts welcome.
Bloomingdales Riverside Square Mall (commercial)
Hackensack, NJ
"Little Boba"(commercial)
Bergenfield, NJ
2 Story Staircase (residential)
Bronx ,NY
Check out some examples of my work!
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Pet Portraits are a very special gift for any occasion!
I offer the sizes and prices below in original, unframed, watercolor/mixed media only, please message me for acrylic painting rates.
You may specify specific color schemes or what to avoid color-wise when you email me the reference photos, after purchase, otherwise, I will choose based on the coloring of the animals. Yes, I can paint ANY ANIMALS. Not just cats and dogs :)
TO ORDER: Please message me with what you would like using the CONTACT page or follow and DM me on IG : @donnamarieart1.
I look forward to working with you soon!
*Portraits are of Pets Only, sorry, No human portraits.
(All pet portraits are sold un-framed. Standard Domestic shipping included. )
*expedited work (less than 3 weeks)
available upon request for an additional fee.
(Please EMAIL ME for custom acrylic canvas pricing and sizes if preferred.)